Shipping Policy
Important Shipping Information
After we have shipped your order you will receive an email with tracking information
*Please check your Spam folder for an email from
If you place an order for multiple items, you may be sent separate packages, depending on the size of the item(s) ordered and the warehouse location/availability.
We use many of the major shipping carriers at any time, we select the most economical shipping rate available at the time of your order.
Orders will be processed and shipped out from our warehouse within 3 business days. You should receive your package within 5-7 business days.
Missing/Lost Packages​
Homecrest & Co. is not liable for lost/missing packages if incorrect address information is provided during checkout.
Please confirm your billing and shipping address are correct before placing your order.
If we made an error on your order, we take full responsibility for the original order and will either send you a replacement free of charge or provide a Full Refund.
Shipping Rates​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Currently offering shipping only in the Continental USA, Canada & Mexico.
If you have questions regarding your order, please don't hesitate to contact us;
We appreciate your business, thank you for your order!
-Jen, Owner of Homecrest & Co.